I have always loved the concept of dining room tables. I suppose the idea of a dining room is getting more and more obsolete with the open concept homes. But what I love is the table where the family gathers for dinner. That table is usually central to the home and the family.

When I was growing up my family ate dinner together every.single.night. It drove me crazy at the time especially once I got old enough to realize some families ate dinner in front of the television. We would then go around the table and talk about what happened during our day. The dining room table was where we physically met every night and it brought us a lot closer. Because of this, I sincerly appreciate the dining room table as it signifies unity in my mind. 
I should also mention, as you can imagine, we are also a family that enjoys our food. How do you feel about dining room tables?  Did you family eat dinner at one every night?
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