Single woman and real estate

In 2015, single women accounted for 15% of home purchases, while men accounted for only 9% of home purchases. Single women are a huge demographic in the real estate market and for good reason. Personally, single women account for 70% of my business in year’s past. Single women are able to see that a home can provide both stability and a monetary value.

What is the driving force behind women buying their own home? 

As women put off marriage and have a career of their own, they desire to purchase a home of their own. They have their own money and want to start to make their money work for them. It is only natural that a woman would desire a home to call her own.

A solid investment.

Fiscally, a home may be a great investment. It is known that women make 77 cents of every dollar a man makes. The wage gap means it is even more critical that women get their money to work for them. A home purchase requires as little as 3% down, allows for tax benefits and has the ability to appreciate and generate capital gains. Why pay rent to a landlord when you can build equity of your own?

What is next?

Life may change for a single woman and she may not find herself single in the future. A home is a versatile investment – it can easily be sold or rented. Currently, Denver offers a perfect landscape for either of those options as we have both a strong housing and rental market.

Are you a single lady that is ready to take the plunge into homeownership?

With a home purchase requiring a minimal down payment, the opportunity to make money and offering stability and a community, there is no reason a single woman should not consider to purchase a home on her own.

Way to get it, ladies!


Liz works full-time as a Real Estate Agent with LUX. Denver.


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