The real life stories from a real estate agent.

Real estate is funny thing and unexpected things tend to happen. Lucky for you I lost the ability to feel shame somewhere along the way. Maybe it is because I seem to trip or fall more than the average person? Either way, here are the stories that should probably cause me to shudder with embarrassment but instead I tell them..

1. The clown car
When it comes to picking up open hose signs, I like to carry as many signs as possible (in heels). On one particular occasion, someone from a car whistled and broke my concentration. I proceeded to stumble into a nearby tree, dropping all of the signs I was carrying. Once I loaded everything into the car I opened my sunroof, forgetting I had a half dozen balloons in my car. Out flew all the balloons within an instant. So, if you were driving behind me on I-25 that afternoon, no, I am not a clown. I am a real estate agent. And yes, I found tree branches in my hair at my next showing…

2. Mind your step.

This market requires a bit of creativity at times. I had a client that wanted to live in a particular neighborhood but there was nothing on the market. One hot and sunny day, I chose to door knock the neighborhood. I knocked to no avail for a few blocks. I came to one particuar door and (again) no one answered. In that moment I was frustrated, sunburnt and hot and turned to walk down the steps. I missed a step and before I knew what was happening, BOOM! I was on my back on the concrete steps. In the matter of seconds my ankle was swollen. I somehow hobbled back to my car and found myself in a brace for the next four months. Moral of story: stay positive and on the steps.

3. There is no rulebook. 

I am always fascinated with the random thoughts that go through my head in this career. As an example, my cell phone went off while down in the crawlspace with a client. It was a call from the lender that both myself and the client were waiting on. Scrunched down in this crawl space with very little blood going to my legs, I had the internal debate of whether I answer the phone or not. What is the etiquette for answering a call in a damp and dark crawlspace? Can someone tell me?!

There you have it, the random thoughts or stories of one real estate agent this summer in Denver. Real estate is like a roller coaster and most days you just have to buckle up and handle whatever happens. And, laugh, a lot.

Liz works full-time as a Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams Realty Downtown, LLC.

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