Every business book or article I read about success makes note of how success is mental. A huge portion of success is just merely controlling your mind (although it is no easy task). So, to help tackle my biggest challenge yet, I have started meditating. Ten minutes a day-and it is the most difficult ten minutes of my day. I use a guided meditation because there is no way I am just going to be able to sit there and meditate. One of my favorite ones is a story about a dog and a lion. In the story, a man is dangling a bone in front of the dog and the lion. Of course, the dog is freaking out, anxiously chasing after the bone. Whereas, the lion just sits still, staring at both the man and the bone. He is not reactive because he knows that the man actually has MORE bones in his body than the one being wagged in front of his face. The lion knows that the bone is just merely a distraction and is able to look forward to the bigger picture.

The story is a reminder not to get dragged into the daily distractions – the minor stressors, the to-dos, the should haves. Or, during this time of year – the presents, the responsibilities, both business and personal tasks, the Holiday parties, etc. Have a mind of the lion and let the small stuff fall by the wayside while keeping ahold of the future and bigger picture.

To be successful, you must not get distracted by the little details.


Liz works full-time as a Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams Realty Downtown, LLC.

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